Interested in taking up the #MaskoffMaersk campaign in your city?

Options for Local Organizing

Against Maersk


1. City Council: Organize to get your city council to vote to divest municipal funds (such as pension funds or other city-managed investments) from Maersk on the basis of its complicity in genocide and human rights violations. If an ethical investment policy is passed, you can then reference the policy to divest from specific complicit companies. If a broad policy fails to pass or is not pursued for other reasons, the city can still target specific companies or sectors for divestment.

2. Institution-Level Divestment: Organize to get investment funds managed by universities, retirement systems, religious institutions, etc. to divest from Maersk. 

3. Human Rights Procurement and Investment Policy: If you would like your city council or union to divest from or end contracts with companies that profit from Zionist violence, and you know there are multiple companies on your list including Maersk, you could take the initial step it to mobilize support for a policy that would prevent investments and procurement contracts with companies that are complicit in human rights violations anywhere.


Organize a campaign to call for terminating contracts with Maersk, at a university or institutional level, including research collaborations. You can demand the cancellation of joint projects, grants, and supplier contracts. This can involve organizing a pledge to get students/community members to refuse to participate in partnerships, organizing for resolutions or petitions.


Cultural boycotts can involve pressuring arts institutions to reject grants from Maersk, or pressuring arts events or festivals to drop Maersk as a corporate sponsor


If you’re in a trade union, consider passing a resolution that calls for an arms embargo. Check out this example from a trade union in Britain!