Take action and sign the petition demanding Maersk Cut Ties with Genocide!

The Palestinian Youth Movement is calling all supporters of Palestine and all people of conscience, all those who have mobilized and organized over the past eight months, to take action against Maersk to insist that, collectively, we have the power and the duty to stop the flow of weapons that are killing our people.

For eight months, millions of people across the globe have marched together, halted centers of traffic, shut down bridges, arms factories, and commercial centers, and have made the movement for Palestine absolutely unavoidable. Students across over 200 academic institutions have risen up globally in solidarity with Palestine, bravely demanding their universities divest from the Israeli genocide of Palestinians. Internationally, the movement for Palestine is stronger than ever, but Israel’s genocidal operations in Gaza have not been stopped and our people continue to be martyred, maimed, and starved. There are companies, institutions, and individuals making decisions that directly allow these horrors to continue.

Eight months into bearing witness to humanity’s worst atrocities inflicted on the Palestinian people, we are beyond the moment of urgency and we must shift our strategies and tactics. Not only do we have a duty to continue to fight for Palestine, we have the ability to directly confront Zionism in the heart of empire. We must impose a greater cost on the institutions that dare to reap profit off the massacring of our people. We can and must halt the flow of the weapons killing our people, the money fueling the bombings, and the impunity and false legitimacy granted to the Israeli war machine. We must cut ties with Israel through every avenue possible.

Since October, Maersk has transported more than $300 million of weapons components for major arms manufacturers to the US– a quarter of identified shipments of components for Northrup Gruman, Woodward, Raytheon, and Lockheed into the US are Maersk ships, and 68% of Israel’s weapons are sent from the US. 

Maersk ships transport weapons and weapons components, meaning Maersk actively facilitates the flow of weapons to Israel to use in its criminal war in Gaza. Without Maersk, those weapons would not reach Israel.

Maersk guarantees the prompt and consistent supply of massacre and destruction in Gaza.

Logistics companies, with Maersk as the industry’s lead, are the invisible profiteers of weapons manufacturing, making the genocide of Palestinians a reality. Targeting Maersk directly disrupts the flow of weapons in the supply chain of death used to genocide Palestinians. 

Maersk is one of the most profitable companies on earth, with money soaked in the blood of over 40,000 Palestinian martyrs. We demand Maersk cut ties with Israel and end its complicity in the genocide of Palestinians. 

Though many may not have heard of Maersk before, it is the one in the background making this genocide possible and will continue to reap profits once its over. Maersk's capitalist greed deems the lives of Palestinians disposable as long as it maintains its bottom line.

We must pressure Maersk to end its relationship with Israel, which is a small percentage of their business, but life or death for our people. The mask is off. The people must demonstrate what the true cost is of supporting genocide.

Maersk, Cut Ties with Genocide!

1. Stop transporting weapons components for arms manufacturers complicit in genocide of the Palestinian people

2. End all contracts and partnerships with the US Department of Defense now